Living between worlds
It’s spring time in Scotland, so the lavender plants we planted last year are really growing well as they enjoy the warmth of the sun. Plus it hasn’t rained for a few weeks! The garden grounds continue to improve, due to the many hours I have spent weeding and shovelling stone chippings to the right places. We have just built a beehive and are very excited about the beekeeping project, the adventures of which we will share with you as we learn.
I haven’t forgotten that we are all going through the most awful pandemic and life outside my garden bubble is very difficult for so many people, as dramatic changes take place in a very short space of time. We all seem to be online now, even people who before the virus had nothing to do with the internet are now embracing technology to stay in touch with family and friends. My Grandmother regularly Skypes with my parents from her care home. My husband has regular work related ‘Zoom’ meetings throughout the day, as the dog runs around wearing a jumper and squeaking toys in the background.
We seem to be living between worlds just now, edge dwelling, wondering if things will ever go back to how they were, if we even want them to.
Each day I continue to take a walk with my camera, this contemplative practice requires that I shift my normal affinity for thinking and producing and try and find a different way of being in the world right now, one that is more about mystery and unfolding and less about planning. Is this the new normal or a different reality?